Topic 8 Splines
Learning Goals
- Explain the advantages of splines over global transformations and other types of piecewise polynomials
- Explain how splines are constructed by drawing connections to variable transformations and least squares
- Explain how the number of knots relates to the bias-variance tradeoff
Slides from today are available here.
Splines in tidymodels
To build models with splines in tidymodels
, we proceed with the same structure we use for ordinary linear regression models but we’ll add some pre-processing steps.
To work with splines, we’ll use the splines
package. The step_ns()
function based on ns()
in that package creates the transformations needed to create a spline function for a quantitative predictor. The step_bs()
function based on bs()
in that package creates the transformations needed to create a basis spline (typically called B-splines) function for a quantitative predictor.
# Linear Regression Model Spec
lm_spec linear_reg() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'lm') %>%
# Original Recipe
<- recipe(___ ~ ___, data = ___)
# Natural Spline Recipe
<- lm_rec %>%
ns2_rec step_ns(__, deg_free = __) # natural cubic spline (higher deg_free means more knots)
# Basis Spline Recipe
<- lm_rec %>%
bs_rec step_bs(__, options = list(knots = c(__,__))) # b-spline (cubic by default)
- The deg_free argument in step_ns() stands for degrees of freedom:
- deg_free = # knots + 1
- The degrees of freedom are the number of coefficients in the transformation functions that are free to vary (essentially the number of underlying parameters behind the transformations).
- The knots are chosen using percentiles of the observed values.
- The options argument in step_bs() allows you to specific specific knots:
- options = list(knots = c(2, 4)) sets a knot at 2 and a knot at 4 (the choice of knots should depend on the observed range of the quantitative predictor and where you see a change in the relationship)
What is the difference between natural splines ns and B-splines bs?
- B-spline is a tool to incorporate splines into a linear regression setting.
- You have to choose the knots (which can be tricky sometimes).
- These functions can be unstable (high variance) near the boundaries, especially with higher polynomial degrees.
- Natural spline is a variant of the B-spline with additional constraints (the degree of the polynomial near the boundaries is lower).
- Cubic natural splines are the most common
- Typically knots are chosen based on quantiles of the predictor (e.g. 1 knot will be placed at the median, 2 knots will be placed at the 33rd and 66th percentiles, etc.)
You can download a template RMarkdown file to start from here.
Before proceeding, install the splines
package by entering install.packages("splines")
in the Console.
We’ll continue using the College
dataset in the ISLR
package to explore splines. You can use ?College
in the Console to look at the data codebook.
tidymodels_prefer() # Resolves conflicts, prefers tidymodel functions
# A little data cleaning
<- College %>%
college_clean mutate(school = rownames(College)) %>%
filter(Grad.Rate <= 100) # Remove one school with grad rate of 118%
rownames(college_clean) <- NULL # Remove school names as row names
Exercise 1: Evaluating a fully linear model
We will model Grad.Rate
as a function of 4 predictors: Private
, Terminal
, Expend
, and S.F.Ratio
- Make a scatterplot of
as a function ofExpend
with 2 different smoothing lines to explore potential nonlinearity. Adding the following to the normal scatterplot code will create a smooth (curved) blue trend line and a red linear trend line.
ggplot(___, aes(___)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(color = "blue", se = FALSE) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red", se = FALSE) +
- Use
to fit an ordinary linear regression model (no splines yet) with the following specifications:- Use 8-fold CV.
- Use CV mean absolute error (MAE) to select a final model.
- Use LASSO engine to do variable selection to select the simplest model for which the MAE is within one standard error of the best MAE
- Fit your “best” models and look at the coefficients of that final model
# Create CV folds
<- vfold_cv(__, v = 8)
# Lasso Model Spec with tune
lm_lasso_spec_tune linear_reg() %>%
set_args(mixture = 1, penalty = tune()) %>% ## mixture = 1 indicates Lasso
set_engine(engine = 'glmnet') %>%
# Recipe
<- recipe(__ ~ ___, data = college_clean) %>%
full_rec step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
# Workflow (Recipe + Model)
<- workflow() %>%
lasso_wf_tune add_recipe(full_rec) %>%
# Tune Model (trying a variety of values of Lambda penalty)
<- grid_regular(
penalty_grid penalty(range = c(-3, 1)), #log10 transformed
levels = 30)
<- tune_grid(
tune_output # workflow
lasso_wf_tune, resamples = data_cv8, # cv folds
metrics = metric_set(___),
grid = penalty_grid # penalty grid defined above
# Select best model & fit
<- tune_output %>%
best_penalty select_by_one_std_err(metric = 'mae', desc(penalty))
<- best_penalty %>%
ls_mod finalize_workflow(lasso_wf_tune,.) %>%
fit(data = college_clean)
# Note which variable is the "least" important
%>% tidy() ls_mod
- Make plots of the residuals vs. the 3 quantitative predictors to evaluate the appropriateness of linear terms.
<- college_clean %>%
ls_mod_output bind_cols(predict(ls_mod, new_data = college_clean)) %>%
mutate(resid = __ - __)
ggplot(ls_mod_output, aes(__)) +
___ +
___ geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red") +
Exercise 2: Evaluating a spline model
We’ll extend our linear regression model with spline functions of the quantitative predictors (leave Private
as is).
What tuning parameter is associated with splines? How do high/low values of this parameter relate to bias and variance?
Update your recipe from Exercise 1 to fit a linear model (with the lm engine rather than lasso) with the 2 best quantitative predictors with natural splines that have 2 knots (= 3 degrees of freedom) and include Private. Fit this model with CV, fit_resamples, (same folds as before) to compare MAE and then fit the model to the whole training data. Call this fit model ns_mod.
# Model Spec
lm_spec linear_reg() %>%
set_engine(engine = 'lm') %>%
# New Recipe (remove steps needed for LASSO, add splines)
# Workflow (Recipe + Model)
# CV to Evaluate
<- fit_resamples(
cv_output # workflow
___, resamples = data_cv8, # cv folds
metrics = metric_set(___)
%>% collect_metrics()
# Fit with all data
<- fit(
ns_mod #workflow
___, data = college_clean
- Make plots of the residuals vs. the 3 quantitative predictors to evaluate if splines improved the model.
<- ___ spline_mod_output
- Compare the CV MAE between models with and without the splines
%>% collect_metrics() %>% filter(penalty == (best_penalty %>% pull(penalty)))
%>% collect_metrics() cv_output
Extra! Variable scaling
What is your intuition about whether variable scaling matters for the performance of splines?
Check your intuition by reusing code from Exercise 2, except by adding in step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors())
before step_ns()
. Call this ns_mod2
How do the predictions from ns_mod
and ns_mod2
compare? You could use a plot to compare or check out the all.equal()