
  1. Normington JP, Lock EF, Murray TA, Carlin C. \Bayesian variable selection in hierarchical di erence-in-di erences models” Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2022; 31:1, 169-183.

  2. Normington JP, Zhu J, Mattiello F, Sarkar S, Carlin BP. \An ecient Bayesian platform trial design for borrowing adaptively from historical control data” Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2020; 89:105890.

  3. Normington JP, Lock EF, Carlin C, Peterson K, Carlin BP. \A Bayesian di erence-in-di erence framework for the impact of primary care redesign on diabetes outcomes” Statistics & Public Policy, 2019; 6:1, 55-66.

  4. Smith J, Jain N, Normington JP, Holschuh N, Zhu Y. \Associations of ready- to-eat cereal consumptions and income with dietary outcomes: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018\ Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022; 9.

  5. Zhu Y, Jain N, Normington JP, Michno J, Holschuh N, Smith J. \Consumption of ready-to-eat cereal and its associations with nutrient intake and nutrition adequacy in the United States, NHANES 2017-2018” Current Developments in Nutrition, 2021; 5:2, 1115.

  6. Smith J, Jain N, Normington JP, Michno J, Holschuh N, Zhu Y. \The association between ready-to-eat cereal consumptions, strati ed by sugar content, and nutrient intakes in American children and adults: results from NHANES 2017-2018” Current Developments in Nutrition, 2021; 5:2, 1093.

  7. Smith J, Jain N, Normington JP, Holschuh N, Zhu Y. \Ready-to-eat cereal consumption among children and adults strati ed by income: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018”. In Revision.

  8. Melamed R, Boland LL, Normington JP, Prenevost RM, Hur LY, Maynard LF, McNaughton MA, Kinzy TG, Masood A, Dastrange M, Huguelet JA. \Postoperative respiratory failure necessitating transfer to the intensive care unit in orthopedic surgery patients: risk factors, costs, and outcomes” Perioperative Medicine 2016; Aug 2;5:19.

  9. Boland LL, Huelster JS, Hildebrandt DA, Saavedra-Romero R, Normington JP, Melamed RR, Mooney MR, Mulder M. \Infection, use of antibiotics and outcomes in patients receiving therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest” The Journal of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation 2018; Spring/Summer;2:1.

  10. Tierney DM, Boland LL, Overgaard J, Huelster JS, Jorgenson A, Normington JP, Melamed RR. \Pulmonary ultrasound scoring system for intubated critically ill patients and its association with clinical metrics and mortality: A prospective cohort study” Journal of Clinical Ultrasound; 2018; 46:1, 14-22.